量以提高橡胶的如强伸性能。然而以上填料都具有非常高的比表面积,初级颗粒之间总是存在化学键连接而形成聚集体如图1 所示,在实际生产过程中无法被分散成初级颗粒。这种聚集体结构的存在一方面提供了橡胶的强度,但是另一方面却限制了胶料加工性能,大量聚集体之间的内摩擦也会提高生热,并影响一些成品的动态性能如疲劳寿命。 R300 的化学活性很低,不需要添加硅烷偶联剂。金属橡胶减震器埃肯抗疲劳剂
lkem’s production involves potentially harmful situations: People interact with large quantities of raw materials, chemicals, powerful machinery and very high temperatures.
Elkem gives great focus to understanding the risks involved in our production, and put substantial resources into controlling them, so we avoid injuries and occupational illnesses. Injury prevention is emphasised to the same degree as production, quality, sales, delivery times, efficiency and cost control. 模压V带埃肯表面改善剂Results have been confirmed by customers 效果已经被多家客户确认。
The addition of SIDISTAR® to conveyor belt compounds will not only significantly improve the mixing and processing but also the properties of the final product, especially the dynamic behaviour; Goodrich heat build-up will be reduced and fatigue life (de Mattia test) extended by up to 40% (number of cycles for formation of a crack of a certain length).
The flame retardancy of the material will be increased when SIDISTAR® is used in combination with fillers like aluminium trihydrate or magnesium hydroxide. The amount of plasticizer can be reduced to further improve the fire behaviour. Thermal ageing and oil resistance are not negatively affected. SIDISTAR® acts by its physical properties particle size and spherical particle shape, it reduces internal friction and improves filler dispersion. It can be used in many different polymers and in combination with all kinds of fillers and plasticizers.
埃肯Elkem Sidistar R300,
Junyichem Co, LTD is located in Shanghai China. We are a research and production enterprise that serve the chemical
The flame retardancy of the material will be increased when SIDISTAR® is used in combination with fillers like aluminium trihydrate or magnesium hydroxide. The amount of plasticizer can be reduced to further improve the fire behaviour. Thermal ageing and oil resistance are not negatively affected. SIDISTAR® acts by its physical properties particle size and spherical particle shape, it reduces internal friction and improves filler dispersion. It can be used in many different polymers and in combination with all kinds of fillers and plasticizers. 一种提高传动带疲劳强度的橡胶助剂埃肯R300。
Ever since Sam Eyde established Elkem in 1904 our main activity has been to develop new products, markets and production methods. An ambitious innovation strategy in combination with a strong focus on future markets has been the foundation for Elkem’s development. It has led to a great success – throughout more than 110 years.Elkem’s innovation strategy covers both incremental and step change innovation. The core of Elkem Business System (EBS) is continuous improvement.
EBS keeps the company equipped to meet future challenges. By always looking for new potential, by using EBS tools to describe the potential, by finding solutions and measuring results Elkem gains a steady progress.
However, to keep our position as a world-leading producer of silicon, silicones and carbon-based materials Elkem also seek innovation and new improvements. 耐高温、不燃、无味、无嗅、具有很好的电绝缘性。模压V带埃肯表面改善剂
天然橡胶中加入特种气相法白炭黑10 份时,其胶料的回弹值与脆性温度处于比较好。金属橡胶减震器埃肯抗疲劳剂
上海君宜化工销售中心(有限合伙)除了提供倍拓阻燃剂,还提供倍拓胶片隔离剂、Advanz树脂,韩国锦湖的EPDM,法国道达尔的石蜡基、芳烃基橡胶油,美国胶爱的橡胶加工助剂,法国迪克森轮胎用高性能保鲜垫布,挪威埃肯的特种抗疲劳剂Sidistar R300/200,美国湛新(原氰特)特种化学品、粘合促进剂(浓缩粉末树脂Cyrez964/965),美国模可离的脱模剂,日本迪爱生的钴盐,PSG(polymer Solution Group)全球聚合物和添加剂解决方案,委内瑞拉格拉斯的白炭黑和硅酸钠,吕特格芳香族化学品(Novares系列产品),赞南科技的詹博特氢化丁腈橡胶,欧米娅碳酸钙,倍拓化学的树脂
用途: 因其独特的”滚珠效应”以及”硅- - 铝协效作用”, 能够与 ATH 协
同作用在燃烧时形成一层牢固的炭层, 阻止空气中的氧继续深入到内部阻止空
气中的氧继续深入到内部, 因而可以降低第二个放热峰, 降低烟密度, 有效改
善阻燃性能. 推荐使用C含量更低的 R320.
推荐应用: 无卤阻燃输送带, 无卤阻燃电线电缆
用途: 补强, 提高制品拉伸强度, 提高回弹性能和低温性能
推荐应用: *用于 FKM 和 HNBR 中
用法 : 20-30 phr, 全部或部分替代 N990. 推荐使用浅色 R320.
用途: 提高短纤维分散速率和效果
推荐应用: 短纤维补强制品
上海君宜化工销售中心(有限合伙)创建于2013-11-19,注册资金 2000-3000万元,是一家专注化工原料及产品(除危险化学品,监控化学品,烟花爆竹,民用物品,易制毒化学品),橡塑制品,轮胎,五金交电,日用百货,化妆品,健身器材,仪器仪表,机械设备,机电设备,计算机,软件及辅助设备销售,从事化工,健身器材科技领域内的技术开发,技术咨询,技术服务,技术转让,电器工程安装,自动化控制设备安装,调试,维修,机电安装建设工程施工,工程自动化设备安装维修及,工业自动化控制系统工程,商务信息咨询。的公司。唯才是举,唯能是用:拥有优秀人才51~100人和,是实现企业战略目标的基础,是企业持续发展的动力。公司业务范围主要包括:[ "化工原料及产品", "橡胶,炭黑", "色母粒,弹性体" ]等。公司奉行顾客至上、质量为首、的经营宗旨,深受客户好评。公司凭着雄厚的技术力量、饱满的工作态度、扎实的工作作风、良好的职业道德,树立了优良的[ "化工原料及产品", "橡胶,炭黑", "色母粒,弹性体" ]形象,赢得了社会各界的信任和认可。