In 1952 Canadian Domina Jalbert patented a
governable gliding parachute with multi-cells and controls for lateral
In 1954, Walter Neumark predicted (in an
article in Flight magazine) a time when a glider pilot would be "able to
launch himself by running over the edge of a cliff or down a slope ... whether
on a rock-climbing holiday in Skye or ski-ing in the Alps."[3]
In 1961, the French engineer Pierre
Lemongine produced improved parachute designs that led to the Para-Commander.
The PC had cutouts at the rear and sides that enabled it to be towed into the
air and steered, leading to parasailing/parascending.
Domina Jalbert invented the Parafoil, which
had sectioned cells in an aerofoil shape; an open leading edge and a closed
trailing edge, inflated by passage through the air – the ram-air design. He
filed US Patent 3131894 on January 10, 1963.[4]
Reverse launches have a number of
advantages over a forward launch. It is more straightforward to inspect the
wing and check if the lines are free as it leaves the ground. In the presence
of wind, the pilot can be tugged toward the wing, and facing the wing makes it
easier to resist this force and safer in case the pilot slips (as opposed to
being dragged backwards). However, the movement pattern is more complex than
forward launch, and the pilot has to hold the brakes in a correct way and turn
to the correct side so he does not tangle the lines. These launches are
normally attempted with a reasonable wind speed, making the ground speed
required to pressurise the wing much lower.
The launch is initiated by the hands
raising the leading edge with the As. As it rises the wing is controlled more
by centring the feet than by use of the brakes or Cs. With mid level wings (EN
C and D) the wing may try to "overshoot" the pilot as it nears the
top. This is checked with Cs or brakes. The wing becomes increasingly sensitive
to the Cs and brakes as its internal air pressure rises.
This can be very dangerous, because now the
forces on the line have to be controlled by the moving object itself, which is
almost impossible to do, unless stretchy rope and a pressure/tension meter
(dynamometer) is used. Static line towing with stretchy rope and a load cell as
a tension meter has been used in Poland, Ukraine, Russia, and other Eastern
European countries for over twenty years (under the name Malinka) with about
the same safety record as other forms of towing.[21] One more form of towing is
hand towing. This is where 1−3 people pull a paraglider using a tow rope of up
to 500 feet. The stronger the wind, the fewer people are needed for a
successful hand tow.[22] Tows up to 300 feet have been accomplished, allowing
the pilot to get into a lift band of a nearby ridge or row of buildings and
ridge-soar in the lift the same way as with a regular foot launch.[23]
世界经济的飞速发展以及科学技术的进步,让运动、休闲活动出现,解放了人们传统的体育锻炼观。就我国的市场经济发展情况来讲,市场经济的转型给我国运动、休闲事业的发展提供了良好的条件。随着收入及生活水平的不断提高,国人在运动、健身方面所加入的时间及财力均在逐年增长。国人参加运动或出于对某种运动项目的兴趣,或者为健体强身。球类运动中,高尔夫球、网球也是较为大众化的运动。划船、冲浪、滑雪、钓鱼、攀岩、骑车、跑步是国人运动、健身的主要方式。与这些运动有关的动力伞,滑翔伞,飞行,热汽球均有较大的市场需求。生产型企业应充分利用“互联网+”的便利,加大“服务化”理念在运行休闲产业科技创新中的运用。针对不同人群研发多样化、适应性强的运行休闲器材装备。再加以中国为主的新兴市场销售渗透率提升,以及众多有影响力的赛事不断推动, 销售成为服装行业中增长**为亮眼的品类之一。徐州**滑翔伞价格行情
在亚洲,日本、韩国、中国的中国台湾省等经济发达国家和地区的滑翔伞运动十分普及,爱好者达十多万人。20世纪80年代末,滑翔伞运动传入中国大陆并迅速发展, 现注册的航空俱乐部有50多个,正式会员1400多人,经常从事滑翔伞飞行者达数千人,在中国东北、长三角、珠三角长期有民间高手飞行,随着滑翔伞运动的逐渐普及,包括央视在内的很多电视媒体都对这一运动进行过专题报道。 滑翔伞通常主要由翼型伞衣、伞绳、背带系统和操纵系统四大部分组成。为便于滑翔伞的保管、携带与运输,每具滑翔伞还配有一只背式包装袋。 翼型伞衣,也称伞翼,是滑翔伞产生升力和承受载荷的主要部件。伞衣的形状、面积以及与气流相...