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  • 翼舞航空
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The top of each line is attached to small

fabric loops sewn into the structure of the wing, which are generally arranged

in rows running span-wise (i.e., side to side). The row of lines nearest the

front are known as the A lines, the next row back the B lines, and so on.[14] A

typical wing will have A, B, C and D lines, but recently, there has been a

tendency to reduce the rows of lines to three, or even two (and experimentally

to one), to reduce drag.

Paraglider lines are usually made from

Dyneema/Spectra or Kevlar/Aramid.[14] Although they look rather slender, these

materials are immensely strong. For example, a single 0.66 mm-diameter line

(about the thinnest used) can have a breaking strength of 56 kg.[15]

Paraglider wings typically have an area of

20–35 square metres (220–380 sq ft) with a span of 8–12 metres (26–39 ft) and

weigh 3–7 kilograms (6.6–15.4 lb). Combined weight of wing, harness, reserve,

instruments, helmet, etc. is around 12–22 kilograms (26–49 lb).


Reverse launches have a number of

advantages over a forward launch. It is more straightforward to inspect the

wing and check if the lines are free as it leaves the ground. In the presence

of wind, the pilot can be tugged toward the wing, and facing the wing makes it

easier to resist this force and safer in case the pilot slips (as opposed to

being dragged backwards). However, the movement pattern is more complex than

forward launch, and the pilot has to hold the brakes in a correct way and turn

to the correct side so he does not tangle the lines. These launches are

normally attempted with a reasonable wind speed, making the ground speed

required to pressurise the wing much lower.

The launch is initiated by the hands

raising the leading edge with the As. As it rises the wing is controlled more

by centring the feet than by use of the brakes or Cs. With mid level wings (EN

C and D) the wing may try to "overshoot" the pilot as it nears the

top. This is checked with Cs or brakes. The wing becomes increasingly sensitive

to the Cs and brakes as its internal air pressure rises. 




在极少数情况下,无法从通缩中恢复(或从诸如旋转等其他威胁性状况中)恢复过来的情况下,大多数飞行员会携带备用(救援,紧急情况)降落伞。但是,大多数飞行员从来没有理由“扔”他们的储备。如果机翼在低空发生放气,即在起飞后不久或着陆前不久,机翼(滑翔伞)可能无法迅速恢复其正确的结构以防止发生,飞行员通常没有足够的剩余高度来部署后备力量降落伞[**小降落高度大约为60 m(200 ft),但通常在稳定期使用120-180 m(390-590 ft)的高度进行典型部署]。备用降落伞的不同包装方式会影响其部署时间。

Paragliders are unique among human-carrying

aircraft in being easily portable. The complete equipment packs into a rucksack

and can be carried easily on the pilot's back, in a car, or on public

transport.[14] In comparison with other air sports, this substantially

simplifies travel to a suitable takeoff spot, the selection of a landing place

and return travel.

Tandem paragliders, designed to carry the

pilot and one passenger, are larger but otherwise similar. They usually fly

faster with higher trim speeds, are more resistant to collapse, and have a

slightly higher sink rate compared to solo paragliders.








虹口区销售滑翔伞价格如何计算 2020-11-23

在亚洲,日本、韩国、中国的中国台湾省等经济发达国家和地区的滑翔伞运动十分普及,爱好者达十多万人。20世纪80年代末,滑翔伞运动传入中国大陆并迅速发展, 现注册的航空俱乐部有50多个,正式会员1400多人,经常从事滑翔伞飞行者达数千人,在中国东北、长三角、珠三角长期有民间高手飞行,随着滑翔伞运动的逐渐普及,包括央视在内的很多电视媒体都对这一运动进行过专题报道。 滑翔伞通常主要由翼型伞衣、伞绳、背带系统和操纵系统四大部分组成。为便于滑翔伞的保管、携带与运输,每具滑翔伞还配有一只背式包装袋。 翼型伞衣,也称伞翼,是滑翔伞产生升力和承受载荷的主要部件。伞衣的形状、面积以及与气流相...

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