In most countries, paramotor pilots operate
under simple rules that spare them certification requirements for pilot and
gear. Those laws, however, limit where they can fly—specifying that pilots
avoid congested areas and larger airports to minimize risk to other people or
aircraft. U.S. pilots operate under Federal Aviation Administration regulation
Part 103.
In the U.S., the sport is represented
primarily by the US Powered Paragliding Association (USPPA)[note 1] which also
holds an exemption allowing two-place training by appropriately certified
tandem instructors. The US Ultralight Association (USUA) and Aero Sports
Connections (ASC) also offer some support.
Instructors in the U.S. are primarily
represented and certified by the United States Powered Paragliding
Association(USPPA). Other organizations include the Professional Association of
Powered Paragliding Instructors (***PI).
这些飞机缺乏既定的设计标准,导致英国查处在2007年得出结论:“只有在确定了实际吊运质量的单个线束/机翼组合的精确储备系数时,才采用适合于机动的负荷系数。进行,这些飞机是否可以被认为在结构上安全” [5]
To learn Paramotoring we believe that there
are no shortcuts. Do not believe anyone who tells you that you need no
training, or just a couple of days! They are probably just trying to sell you
some equipment! Any form of aviation can kill if practiced in error. Knowledge
is the key to safe flight! We now have a new syllabus from the BHPA with a
first step "restricted qualification" BHPA CP POWER rating, which can
be achieved in around 8 days or so of training. This new easier to obtain
rating means you don't have to take a full paragliding course Your first big
flights and circuits will be solo on the Paramotor. The restricted
qualification will allow you to fly from your "own" field. If you
wish to fly Cross Country and further afield, then you will need to continue to
the Full BHPA "Pilot" rating which may take another 1 day. At Axis we
are a BHPA registered school, and we are covered by third party Insurance to
teach you. You will also be Insured as the pilot!
动力滑翔伞通常在15到50英里/小时(24到80公里/小时)的飞行速度下,从“在水上拖曳脚踏”到大约18,000英尺(5,500 m)或更高的高度,尽管大多数飞行是在500英尺以下完成的(150 m)AGL。[2]由于动力伞的慢速前进速度和柔和的机翼特性,在大风,湍流或激烈的热活动中它并不安全。
起飞期间,飞行员会支撑重达45至90磅(20至41千克)的动力伞。短暂运行(通常为10英尺(3.0 m))后,机翼将电动机及其吊带飞行员抬离地面。起飞后,飞行员进入座位并像钟摆一样悬挂在充气的滑翔伞机翼下方。可使用制动拨动(用于横滚)和手持节气门(用于俯仰)进行控制。
动力滑翔伞在**中得到了巨大的发展,包括在许多**中部署了特种**士兵以及边境巡逻队。黎巴嫩空降团于2008年采用了这种技术,美国陆军和埃及陆军已经使用了Paramotor Inc FX系列装置多年。
A powered paraglider differs from a powered
parachute (PPC) primarily in size, power, control method, and number of
occupants. Powered paragliders are smaller, use more efficient (but more
difficult to manage) paraglider wings, and steer with brake toggles like sport
parachutists. Powered parachutes typically use easier-to-manage but less
efficient wings, have larger engines, steer with their feet, and may be able to
take along passengers. There are exceptions; a growing number of powered
parachutes use elliptical wings, some use hand controls, and many are light
single seat aircraft that meet FAA Part 103 requirements.
在美国,如果飞机符合超轻定义,则无需许可证。在英国,如果“飞机的性能仍然与可以脚踩的飞机相同”,则安装在三轮车上的动力伞仍被归类为“自行式滑翔机”。 [7]。但是,即使在这些国家/地区,如果机器有两个座位,也不再是一件轻巧的事。在美国,这种飞行器将受《运动飞行员》规则的管辖,并被监管为轻型运动飞机动力降落伞,这需要飞机的N号,并且飞行员必须获得许可。