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翼型伞衣由上翼面、下翼面和沿翼展方向有规律分布的数十个成形翼肋构成。上下翼面与翼肋缝合,形成特定的伞翼形状。伞衣前缘按照翼肋的横向排列,构成一定尺寸的进气口。由于伞衣后缘是完全封闭的,所以上下翼面与各翼肋之间便形成了一个个用于储存空气的气室。 普陀区**滑翔伞价格如何计算

In some modern paragliders (from the 1990s

onwards), especially higher-performance wings, some of the cells of the leading

edge are closed to form a cleaner aerodynamic profile. Holes in the internal

ribs allow a free flow of air from the open cells to these closed cells to

inflate them, and also to the wingtips, which are also closed.[13]

The pilot is supported underneath the wing

by a network of suspension lines. These start with two sets of risers made of

short (40 cm) lengths of strong webbing. Each set is attached to the harness by

a carabiner, one on each side of the pilot, and each riser of a set is generally

attached to lines from only one row of its side of wing. At the end of each

riser of the set, there is a small delta maillon with a number (2 – 5) of lines

attached, forming a fan. These are typically 4 – 5 metres long, with the end

attached to 2 − 4 further lines of around 2 m, which are again joined to a

group of smaller, thinner lines. In some cases this is repeated for a fourth





Europe has seen the greatest growth in

paragliding, with France alone registering in 2011 over 25,000 active pilots.


Cross section of a paraglider

Transverse cross section showing parts of a


1) upper surface

2) lower surface

3) rib

4) diagonal rib

5) upper line cascade

6) middle line cascade

7) lower line cascade

8) risers

The paraglider wing or canopy is usually

what is known in engineering as a "ram-air airfoil". Such wings

comprise two layers of fabric that are connected to internal supporting

material in such a way as to form a row of cells. By leaving most of the cells

open only at the leading edge, incoming air keeps the wing inflated, thus

maintaining its shape. When inflated, the wing's cross-section has the typical

teardrop aerofoil shape. Modern paraglider wings are made of high-performance

non-porous materials such as ripstop polyester[12] or nylon fabric.[note 1]

The glide ratio of paragliders ranges from

9.3 for recreational wings to about 11.3 for modern competition models,[16]

reaching in some cases up to 13.[17] For comparison, a typical skydiving

parachute will achieve about 3:1 glide. A hang glider ranges from 9.5 for

recreational wings to about 16.5 for modern competition models. An idling

(gliding) Cessna 152 light aircraft will achieve 9:1. Some sailplanes can

achieve a glide ratio of up to 72:1.

The speed range of paragliders is typically

20–75 kilometres per hour (12–47 mph), from stall speed to maximum speed.

Beginner wings will be in the lower part of this range, high-performance wings

in the upper part of the range.[note 2]

For storage and carrying, the wing is

usually folded into a stuffsack (bag), which can then be stowed in a large

backpack along with the harness. For pilots who may not want the added weight

or fuss of a backpack, some modern harnesses include the ability to turn the

harness inside out such that it becomes a backpack.



在我国,运动、休闲业还是一个新兴的产业,处于起步阶段,无论是发展的成熟度还是管理水平,都与发达地区有一定的差距。在市场经济的刺激与支持下,运动、休闲业必将学习好的经验,逐渐实现正规化发展。随着我国社会经济的不断深入,尤其是运动休闲的不断推进,动力伞,滑翔伞,飞行,热汽球等体相关产品将逐步进入市场。运动休闲产业在我国的发展时间则较短,运动休闲用品在整个体育用品市场的占比不到千分之一,但随着居民生活水平的提高,以及亲近大自然休闲生活方式的兴起,行业具备广阔的发展空间,生产型公司发展前景非常广阔。目前我国运动休闲产业处于成长期,自然资源丰富为我国运动休闲产业发展奠定了良好的基石,相关部门政策的支持、居民生活方式的改变是我国运动休闲发展的两大契机,为销售 企业提供了发展的契机。普陀区**滑翔伞价格如何计算


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