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Europe has seen the greatest growth in

paragliding, with France alone registering in 2011 over 25,000 active pilots.


Cross section of a paraglider

Transverse cross section showing parts of a


1) upper surface

2) lower surface

3) rib

4) diagonal rib

5) upper line cascade

6) middle line cascade

7) lower line cascade

8) risers

The paraglider wing or canopy is usually

what is known in engineering as a "ram-air airfoil". Such wings

comprise two layers of fabric that are connected to internal supporting

material in such a way as to form a row of cells. By leaving most of the cells

open only at the leading edge, incoming air keeps the wing inflated, thus

maintaining its shape. When inflated, the wing's cross-section has the typical

teardrop aerofoil shape. Modern paraglider wings are made of high-performance

non-porous materials such as ripstop polyester[12] or nylon fabric.[note 1]


Forward launch

In low winds, the wing is inflated with a

forward launch, where the pilot runs forward with the wing behind so that the

air pressure generated by the forward movement inflates the wing.

It is often easier, because the pilot only

has to run forward, but the pilot cannot see his wing until it is above him,

where he has to check it in a very short time for correct inflation and

untangled lines before the launch.

Reverse launch

File:Paraglider launch Mam T

Paraglider reverse launch, Mam Tor, England

In higher winds, a reverse launch is used,

with the pilot facing the wing to bring it up into a flying position, then

turning around under the wing and running to complete the launch.








沃土 LAND ①“我劳动,我快乐”——农事体验暨劳动教育校外课程 依托田更园项目,开展主题性农事体验,并结合劳动教育课程教授 ②“我是小庄主”——农庄主题采摘活动 吉庆农庄、水映山庄等推出体验采摘活动,并根据山庄各自特色设定种植课程讲解,寓教于乐 ③礼遇常安——中华传统礼仪体验 依托文化礼堂进行中华传统国学及礼仪体验,条件允许亦可进行汉服展示。依托道观进行太极文化展示体验。 如何玩转童玩节 您还需要一本“童玩节护照” 本次童玩节官方给每一位前来游玩体验的朋友 准备了“童玩护照”,“打卡”各景点、快乐拿礼品。 护照打卡流程 1、领取护照:主办方在田更园会场(常安镇横槎村)设有“童玩节护照中心”,游客自行领取。 2、游玩打卡:在每个童玩节分会场均有打卡盖章处,游客游玩时在此处景点打卡盖章即可。(民宿住宿后方可打卡) 3、礼品领取:打卡全部景点后,可到“童玩节护照中心”领取主办方准备的精美礼品一份。

The top of each line is attached to small

fabric loops sewn into the structure of the wing, which are generally arranged

in rows running span-wise (i.e., side to side). The row of lines nearest the

front are known as the A lines, the next row back the B lines, and so on.[14] A

typical wing will have A, B, C and D lines, but recently, there has been a

tendency to reduce the rows of lines to three, or even two (and experimentally

to one), to reduce drag.

Paraglider lines are usually made from

Dyneema/Spectra or Kevlar/Aramid.[14] Although they look rather slender, these

materials are immensely strong. For example, a single 0.66 mm-diameter line

(about the thinnest used) can have a breaking strength of 56 kg.[15]

Paraglider wings typically have an area of

20–35 square metres (220–380 sq ft) with a span of 8–12 metres (26–39 ft) and

weigh 3–7 kilograms (6.6–15.4 lb). Combined weight of wing, harness, reserve,

instruments, helmet, etc. is around 12–22 kilograms (26–49 lb).



The next step in the launch is to bring the

wing into the lift zone. There are two techniques for accomplishing this

depending on wind conditions. In light wind this is usually done after turning

to the front, steering with the feet towards the low wing tip, and applying

light brakes in a natural sense to keep the wing horizontal. In stronger wind

conditions it is often found to be easier to remain facing downwind while

moving slowly and steadily backwards into the wind.

Knees bent to load the wing, foot

adjustments to remain central and minimum use of Cs or Brakes to keep the wing

horizontal. Pirouette when the feet are close to lifting. This option has two

distinct advantages. a) The pilot can see the wing centre marker (an aid to

centring the feet) and, if necessary, b) the pilot can move briskly towards the

wing to assist with an emergency deflation.

With either method it is essential to check

"traffic" across the launch face before committing to flight.



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